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Autumn Equinox ~ Libra Season ~ Vata Season

Writer: Kristen BaureisKristen Baureis

September 22nd marks the Autumn Equinox, where we enter a time of equal night and day and express gratitude for the harvest that we worked so hard for during the summer. This energy is oh so suiting as we also enter Libra season today, which is all about balance. In Ayurveda, this is the start of Vata season, as this reflects creativity, movement, change, and reflection.

Even in sunny Florida, I've noticed a subtle change in the air - it's been a little more breezy than usual here. I can actually enjoy walking my pups, as opposed to somewhat dreading it due to the high humidity and 90 degree weather.

Needless to say, the air energy is quite potent at this time, so it's wise to have a strong, stable foundation so the wind doesn't blow you away into a less than mindful state. Air rules our mind, and governs our communication and ideas.

Libra reminds us to find the balance and harmony within our relationships- first with ourselves, so we can honor and respect our boundaries with others. Reflect on the most intimate relationships in your life. Are they balanced? Is there an even energy exchange, or are they one-sided?

The peacemaker of the zodiac, Libra will often put others before oneself to please others and avoid conflict. This can cause resentment and drained energy over time, so it's important to reflect on your boundaries, fill up your own cup first, and communicate your needs to others (Libra rising over here, I struggle with this too :)) By going within and harmonizing both light and shadow sides, we are able to find our own balance and beauty, which radiates outwards into our relationships.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, Vata/Autumn's qualities are light, irregular, cold, dry, rough, and windy. To counteract these qualities, it's important to nourish, ground, establish routines, and keep the body warm and hydrated. Say goodbye to salads and smoothies, and hello to (cooked) root vegetables, soup, and teas. Pay special mind to digestion, elimination, and joint health. I'll post more about staying balanced during Vata season in a later post.

I'd also like to note that both Libra and Vata rule art, so if you are inspired to paint, draw, sing, dance, write, etc., now is a wonderful time to tap into that energy. We need more art in the world!



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